Michael Schimmelpfennig (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Chuci Bibliography   楚辭圖書目錄

Translations into Western Languages:




Allegra, Gabrielle M. Incontro al Dolore di Kiu Yüan, Shanghai: ABC Press (1938).

Biallas, Franz X. "K'üh Yüan's "Fahrt in die Ferne" (Yüan-Yü) II" in Asia Major 7:179-241 (1932)

Biallas, Franz X. "Aus den neun Liedern des K'ü Yüan" (Ssu-mei-jen, Hsi-wang-jih) in Bulletin No 9 of the Catholic University of Peking 9:171-182 (1934).

Biallas, Franz X. "Die letzten der neun Lieder K'ü Yüan's" in Monumenta Serica 1:138-154 (1935).

Biallas, Franz X. "K'ü Yüan's Fahrt in die Ferne (Yüan Yü) I" in Asia Major 4:51-107 (1927).

Biallas, Franz X. "K'ü Yüan, his Life and Poems" (Tung-huang t'ai-i, Shan-kuei, Pu-chü, Yü-fu) in Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. LIV 248-9 (1928).

Biallas, Franz X. "K'ü Yüan, his Life and Poems" in Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. LIX, 231-251 (1928).

Biallas, Franz X. (1878-1936). "Aus den neun Liedern des K'ü Yüan" (Ch'ou-ssu, Huai-sha) in Jubiläumsband, herausgegeben von der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur und Völkerkunde Ostasiens anläßlich ihres 60 jährigen Bestehens 1873-1933, Teil 1, 395-409, Tokyo (1933).

Birch, Cyril. "Qu Yuan, "Lisao" in Anthology of Chinese Literature, New York, Grove Press (1965) (adapted).

Chan, Ping-leung. Ch'u Tz'u and Shamanism in Ancient China, Columbus, Ohio, University Microfilms (1972).

Ch'en Shou-Yi, "The Ch'u Elegies" in Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction, New York: Ronald Press (1961). (Excerpts from Lisao, Ai Ying, Huaisha, Zhaohun)

Chinese Peoples Committee for World Peace. Commemoration of Ch'ü Yuan, Nicolas Copernicus, Francois Rabelais, Jose Marti, Peking, n. p. (1953).

Conrady, August (1864-1925). Das älteste Dokument zur chinesischen Kunstgeschichte, T`ien-wen: die "Himmelsfragen" des K`üh Yuan, Postum herausgegeben von E. Erkes, Leizig: Asia Major Verlag (1931). s PL2997.C27 G4 1931

Constantini, Wilma (tr.), Lubina, Preiluigi (ed.) Li Sao, Incontro al Dolore, Bergamo (1989). (Rev. Lanciotti, Lionello (East&West XXXIX, 1-4, 328-29 (1989))

Cranmer-Byny, L. A Lute of Jade, London: Murray (1911). (Shangui)

D'Hervey de St. Denis, Marquis de (1823-1892). Le Li Sao, poème du troisième siecle avant notre ère, traduit du Chinois, précédé d'une étude et accompagné d'un commentaire perpétuel, Paris: Maison Neuve (1870).

De Groot, Jan J. M. (1854-1921) Les Fetes annuellement célébrés à Emoui, Paris: Ann. du Musée Guimet (1886).

De Harlez, Charles (1832-1892). Poésie Chinoise, Paris, 1893.

Edkins, Joseph (1823-1905). "On the poets of China during the peroid of the contending states and of the Han-Dynasty", Journal of the Peking Oriental Society II, 201ss, Peking (1887).

Erkes, Eduard. "Die Sprache des alten Chu" in T'oung Pao 27:1-11 (1930).

Erkes, Eduard. "The Chao yin shih (Calling Back the Hidden Scholar)" in Asia Major 1:119-124 (1924).

Erkes, Eduard. "The God of Death in Ancient China" in T'oung Pao 35:177-210 (1940).

Erkes, Eduard. "The Ta-chao. Text, Translation and Notes" in Asia Major, Hirth Anniversary Volume (1920).

Erkes, Eduard. Das Zurückrufen der Seele (Chao-Hun) des Sung Yüh, Leipzig: W. Drugulin (1914).

Fedorenko, Nikolai Trifimovich (1912-). TSiui IUan: Istoki i probemi toorchestva. Moskva: Izd-vo “Nauka” (1954).

Field, Stephen (trans.). Tian Wen. A Chinese Book of Origins, New York: New Directions (1986).

Field, Stephen. “Cosmos, Cosmograph and the Inquiring Poet: New Answers to the Heaven Questions” in Early China 17:83-110 (1992).

Giles, Herbert (1845-1935). A History of Chinese Literature (50ss), New York: Appleton, 1923. (London, 1901.)

Giles, Herbert. Gems of Chinese Literature, Prose (Pu chü), London, Kelly & Walsh (1923), p. 33-4.

Grube, Wilhelm (1855-1908). Geschichte der Chinesischen Literatur (S.173ff), Leipzig: Amelung, (1902) 1909.

Hawkes, David. Ch'u Tz'u. The Songs of the South, Boston: Beacon (1959).

Hawkes, David. The Problem of the Date and Authorship in Ch’u Tz’u. unpublished Ph. D. dissertation. Oxford: University of Oxford (1955).

Hawkes, David. The Songs of the South: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poems by Qu Yuan and Other Poets, Harmondsworth: Penguin (1985).

Hervey de Saint Denys, Marquis de. “Li-sao,” Comité Scientifique International (Hg.). Chefs-D’oeuvre Littéraires de L’Inde, de la Perse, de L’Égypte et de la Chine 2 - Chi-King ou Livre de Vers. Paris: Maisonneuve (1872).

Hobson, Peter J. “The Far Journey: An Archaic Chinese Poem” in Studies in Comparative Religion 15:42-53 (1983).

Huang Shengfa. Qu Yuan et le Li Sao: Texte, Étude et Commentaires, Pékin: Edition en langues étrangères de Pékin (1985).

Idema, Wilt L., "De Zangen van Chu" in Spiegel van de klassieke Chinese poezie van het Boek der Oden tot de Qing-dynastie, Amsterdam: Meulenhoff (1991).

Johnson, Jerah. Li Sao: A Poem on Relieving Sorrows, Miami: Olivant Press (1959). (Olivant Quarterly, 4.)

Kroll, Paul W. “An Early Poem on Mystical Excursion“ [Yuan You] in Donald S. Lopez (Ed,) Religions Of China in Practice, Princeton: Princeton University Press (1996).

Legge, James. "The Li Sao Poem and its Author" in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. North China Branch 1:77-92; 7:571-599; 10:839-864 (1895).

Lim Boon Keng (1869-1957). The Li Sao: An Elegy on Encountering Sorrows (Reprint), Taibei: Dongfang wenhua, 1935 (1972).

Liu Wu-chi. "Ch'ü Yüan Father of Chinese Poetry" in An Introduction to Chinese Literature, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1966. p.24-34 (Shangui (complete), Jusong, Tianwen, Zhaohun, Huaisha, Lisao, Jiubian (excerpts).

Liu Wu-chi. "Hymn to the Orange" in Wu-chi Liu u. Irving Yucheng Luo, Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, Bloomington: Indiana University (1975).

Liu Wu-chi. "Li Sao: Selections" in Wu-chi Liu u. Irving Yucheng Luo, Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, Bloomington: Indiana University (1975).

Liu Wu-chi. "Lord of the River Hsiang" in Wu-chi Liu u. Irving Yucheng Luo, Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, Bloomington: Indiana University (1975).

Liu Wu-chi. "The Great Arbiter of Fate" in Wu-chi Liu u. Irving Yucheng Luo, Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, Bloomington: Indiana University (1975).

McNaughton, William (ed.) "Ectasy Cults and Elegies" in Chinese Literature: An Anthology from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, Rutland, Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle (1974), p.129-143. (trs. by the editor: dhty, yzj, hb, sg, dsm, dj, gs)

Mair, Victor H. “Heavenly Questions” in The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University (1994).

Mair, Victor H. ; Steinhardt, Nancy S.; Goldin, Paul R. (ed.). Hawai’i Reader in Traditional Chinese Culture, Honolulu: University of Haiwai’i Press (2005) (Translation of "The Eastern August Magnificent One", "The Lesser Administrator of Fate", "Distant Wandering", The Canon of Filial Piety, "Biography of Master Sun", "Methods of War" of Sun Wu, "Xunzi")


Margoulies, Georges (1907- ). "La Divination, Élégie du Pecheur, Song Yu repond a la question du roi de Tch'ou" in Le Kou-wen Chinois. Recueil de textes avec introduction et notes; Paris: Genthner (1926), p.39-43.

Maspero, Henri (1883-1945). "Legendes mythologiques dans le Chou King" (Tung chün) in Journal Asiatique 214 (1924) (contained in Varia 3)

Maspero, Henri. Les Religions Chinoises-melanges postumes sur les religions et l`histoire de la Chine, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (1967).

Parker, E. H. [V. W. X.]. "The Sadness of Separation" in China Review 7:309-314 (1879).

Payne, Robert. "Encountering Sorrow" in The White Pony. An Anthology of Chinese Poetry from the Earliest Times to the Present Day Newly Translated (London: Allen & Unwin, 1949), p.99-112.

Payne, Robert. "The Nine Songs" (translated by Shen Yu-ting) in The White Pony: an Anthology of Chinese Poetry from the Earliest Times to the Present Day Newly Translated; London: Allen & Unwin (1949), p.88-96.

Pfizmaier, August. "Das Lisao und die neun Gesänge: Zwei chinesische Dichtungen aus dem dritten Jahrhundert vor der christlichen Zeitrechnung" in Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademnie der Wissenschaften, 3:159-188 (1852).

Rollin, Jean-Francois (Trsl.). Qu Yuan: Li Sao précédé de Jiu Ge et suivi de Tian Wen, Paris (?), La Différence (1990). (4253-8751)

Sanctis, Nino de. Li Sao: grande poema cinese del III secolo a C., Milan: Sonzogno (1900).

Schindler, Bruno. Das Priestertum im Alten China. 1. Teil: Königtum und Priestertum im Alten China, Leipzig: Staatliches Forschungsinstitut für Völkerkunde (1919). (BL 1801.S4)

Schwarz, Ernst J. Zur Problematik der Qu Yuan Forschung (Diss.), Berlin: Humboldt Universität (1965).

Schwarz, Ernst, "Trennungsschmerz (from 'Lisau') "Zurückrufen der Seele (from Dschauhun), Himmelsfragen (from Tjänwen), Die Fee vom Berge (Shangui, complete), Opfergesang für die Gefallenen (Guoshang complete)" in Chrysanthemen im Spiegel: Klassische chinesische Dichtungen, Berlin: Rütten u. Loening (1969).

Sommer, Deborah. Chinese Religion. An Anthology of Sources, New York: Oxford University Press (1995). (JG: DHTY, XFR, SG, HB, DSM; YY; ZH)

Sun Dayu 孙大雨. Qu Yuan shixuan Yingyi 屈原诗选英译 (Selected Poems of Chü Yuan). Shanghai: Shanghai waiyu jiaoyu (1996).

Tökei, Ferenc. A Kinai èlegia születése, K’iü Jüan ès kora, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó (1959).

Tökei, Ferenc. Naissance de l'élegie chinoise, K'iu Yuan et son époque, Paris: Gallimard (1967).

Tung, Tzu-wei. Chu Yuan (transl. by Chang Su-chu), Peking: Foreign Language Press (1957).

V. W. X. [E. H. Parker]. "The Sadness of Separation, or Li Sao" in China Review 7:5, p.309-314 (1879).

Waley, Arthur. The Nine Songs. A Study on Shamanism in Ancient China, London: Allan & Unwin (1955).

Waley, Arthur. More Translations from the Chinese (Ta chao), London,? (1919), p.11-19.

Waley, Arthur. The Temple and other Poems. New York, Knopf (1923).

Waley, Arthur. Translations from the Chinese (Battle, The Great Summons) New York: Knopf, 1941.

Waters, Geoffrey. Three Elegies of Chu. An Introduction to the Traditional Interpretation of the Chuci, Bloomington: UMI (1981).

Watson, Burton. “The Ch’u Tz’u” in Watson, B. The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry: From Early Times to the Thirteenth Century. New York: Columbia University (1984), p. 45-66.

Weber-Schäfer, Peter (Trsl.). Altchinesische Hymnen. Aus dem Buch der Lieder und den Gesängen von Chu, Köln: Hegner (1967).

Weber-Schäfer, Peter. "Die Himmelfahrt des Ch'ü Yüan" in Politische Ordnung und menschliche Existenz. Festschrift Eric Voegelin, München: ? (1962).

Wilhelm, Richard (1873-1930). Die chinesische Literatur (Li sao, Bu ju), Wildpark-Potsdam: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion (1926).

Xu Yuanchong 许渊冲, Yang Fengbin 杨逢彬. Poetry of the South, Chuci 楚辞. Changsha: Hunan chubanshe (1994).

Yang Xianyi und Gladys Yang (Trsl.) "The Lament, The Odes, The Elegies, The Soothsayer, The Fisherman, Requiem, The Riddles" in (Guo Moruo) Li Sao and Other Poems of Qu Yuan, Peking: Foreign Language Press, (1953) 1980.

Yu Min-chuan. "Nine Songs" in Robert Payne (ed.) The White Pony, London: Allen & Unwin (1949).

Yun Shi (Trsl.). Qu Yuan. Li Sao: Douleur de l'Éloignement, Ain: Édition Comp'Act (1990). (4253-8752)

Zach, Erwin von. "Sung Yü's Chiu Pien (Neun Umstimmungen)" uit de Mededeelingen van het China Instituut, Batavia (1939), p. 15-25.

Zottoli. Cursus Literatura Sinicae IV (Pu chü, Yü fu)

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